Tuesday, August 16, 2011

And so Phase one is coming to an end and...

Wait.. what???? Didn't we just started this "crazy hybrid" like 2 days ago? How come we are in week 4 alredy... I guess it's true what they say, times flies when u are having fun!

These past 3.5 weeks have been awesome and nothing but a pleasure, I've enjoyed a lot the p90x workouts that were all new to me, fell even more in love with Turbo Fire... and well, I'm still not crazy about Insanity, but it's gotta be done (it's a good workout, it's a good workout, IT'S A GOOD WORKOUT!!! quit your hatin' and do it!) That's what is like to be in my head on insanity days BTW.

I haven't been tracking my progress very well, cause frankly I want to lose weight but I workout for the pleasure of it, so I REALLY don't care if I lose weight or inches too much, but I must say my pants are fitting a lil loser and my belly seems to have gone a lil down so it's good, I also feel that I'm stronger and it looks to me that my shoulders and arms a little bit more toned.

I'm extremely excited and scared at the same time for the next phase since I get to do Fire 60 which I absolutley LOVE but there is also doubles of Insanity and P90X and 3 days of Insanity, u all know how I fell about that "Wonderful workout", It's a mental game and I will probably get thru it... wish me luck... As u can see I haven't died yet!



  1. Keep up the great work!!!!!

  2. Loving the blog so far girls !! I'll be following you through to the end :D

  3. Thanks guys!!! Sunday phase 2 starts and I'm ... scared hehehehe, insanity and p90x the same day, seemed like a good idea when I was doing the schedule, heck, paper can take anything, but now that I actually have to do it, I wonder WTF was I thinking!!!!! hahahahahaha
