Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fall Down 7 times, get up 8

Well, Well, Well.... look what the cat dragged in! I know, it's been 2 years since we updated this blog. I have a whole lot of excuses for it, good excuses at that, but still excuses. But we all know that when something is important  enough for you to do, you will find the time, if not, you will find... excuses!
So I've fallen of the wagon, been exercising  on and off over the past 2 years, and have lost nothing but confidence in myself and a little self respect. 
But this post it's not about a pity party, or to give a plethora of arguments, is to tell you, just like the prodigal son, I am back,  I'm extremely excited to re start my fitness and weight loss journey and to share it with you guys. This is a fight I've been fighting since I can remember, and for every failure, there has been a lesson, and so I come back stronger, wiser.
This time my program of choice is the brand new program for Shaun T ( creator of Insanity and Hip Hop Abs)  called  Focus T25, it's a 10 week program, but the workouts are only 25 minutes a day. It's designed for people whose excuse for not exercising  is the lack of time (like me), and take that out of the equation .
As I mention before, I've learned a lot from my past failure and one of those lessons is that the focus for weight loss is definitely nutrition, so I'm paying close attention to it.
Over the next several days, I will post a review of each of the new Focus T25 workout.

Wish me luck and a happy journey!

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