So we are plugging along in the middle of month two. As for lbs on the scale I haven't lost much. Inches as of last month I'd only lost 1.5. Being the crazy hybrid that it is and knowing from my first experience w/ p90x itself, most of my results will probably come month 3 or even right after on recovery week. So I'm not fretting over it right now. However in general, I'm learning that I really am not as fat as I feel like I am.
One of my friends has recently started selling Avon and she's sent me some catalogs and links to her website. So I started flipping through one, and came across this outfit that I found really cute, so on a whim I ordered it. It arrived yesterday so of course I tried it on. It included a brown sweater, super cute brown boots, and..denim leggings. A popular style nowadays but one I've always avoided and never thought much about cuz I'm too fat to pull off something cute like that. I'm more of a bootcut jeans kinda girl, those skinny jeans and leggings are for the thin girls. I pulled them out of the box and they looked SO tiny. Still, I put them on. They fit! And they were super comfortable. However still nervous about seeing them in the mirror, I put on the boots and the sweater as well, then I walked over to the mirror. The same mirror that 99% of the time tells me how fat I am. This time around I felt like I actually looked GOOD. WHAT????!!!!!
This morning as I'm preparing to do my workout (yes, I am ashamed, I get behind and end up doing workouts on Saturday), I throw on a pair of my workout pants. When they were on, I remembered how super tight they used to be not all that long ago for this particular pair. And I realized how loose and baggy they've become.
Yes, my weight loss may be super slow. The number on the scale may take weeks or even months to drop a noticeable amount. But the inches and clothing are showing the real truth. It's happening. All those styles that I used to think were cute but I could never pull off? Maybe it's time to start checking some of them out. I don't have to shop at the plus size stores anymore. Yes I have a long way to go but I've also come a long way. Although I still see that same fat girl in the mirror that I always have, that's really not who I am anymore.
I can do hard crazy workouts like our hybrid. I will do Asylum, I will do p90x2. Though it may not happen all at once, I will get skinny. I'm doing it now. Or, I will just Die Tryin'. Have you seen those previews for p90x2????